Gdansk, November 4th to 6th, 2005
In the Holy Scripture we can find the vision of God regarding justice especially in the book of the prophet Isaiah, who connects the concept of justice of God to holiness. As we read: «But, the Lord of hosts is exalted in justice, and the Holy God shows himself holy in righteousness» (Is 5, 16). In fact, God is the Most holy and all powerful. The divine power however is not arbitrary (cf. CCC, 271). The sanctity of God is manifested to humanity through justice: God rewards those who have done good deeds and punishes the evil doers at the moment of judgement.
When Christians better understand how God views justice, they can better live the moral virtue of justice. As we read in the Cathechism of the Catholic Church: “Justice is the moral virtue that consists in the constant and firm will to give their due to God and neighbor” (CCC,1807). In order to reach such a goal it is needed to follow the way of charity, that is of love towards God and neighbor, without excluding anyone. In this way, once we are capable of recognizing the Paternal love God has for each one of us, then we will be able of loving others, that is our brothers and sisters giving them whatever is due.
In conclusion, I would like to finish by remembering our beloved Pope John Paul II here, in his dear homeland. He was called home by the Eternal Father on the eve of the IInd Sunday of Easter, the Sunday he had instituted as the Sunday of Divine Mercy. From Him we can learn his total trust in the infinite mercy of God, in the awareness that there we can find the very heart of justice. To the intercession of the Servant of God we offer the fruits of this gathering and the following one in Saarbrücken in 2006.